Sunday 11 March 2012

let the sunshine

It's been a few days since I last posted.five to be precise...but I've been writing a few notes that hopefully be of some interest. But before I upload them. I wanted to discuss today.

Today has consisted of pretty much nothing.. Although I have been thinking about the concepts of viewing the world through rose tinted glasses, and how different people perceive things. The sun has been shining and hopefully spring is here to stay. I took my camera out, after reading an inspiring piece about photography last night. And I tried a few different things - I was jumping in the air, leaning and bending round trees, and pressing the button without looking ( sounds a little lame - but 'feeling' the moment and clicking without thinking)
Hopefully this has paid off and the photos are considered 'nice' or some kind of art.

not rose, but sepia - from my sun blockers 

up close, with the bark 

it could possibly be a jungle?!

why not try it upside down!? well with a reflection like that!

But I will admit the sunshine, usually helps me feel inspired!


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